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Having happy employees is a necessity for every successful workplace. In fact, companies have a lot to win when their employees are satisfied since happy employees produce more and are responsible for increasing sales. Therefore, the search for happiness at work must be a two-way street, requiring a joint effort from the company and the employee.
Happiness is a state of mind that, when related to work, concerns the satisfaction of an individual with his professional life. When an individual feels fulfilled with his job, he/she experiences positive feelings, such as joy, motivation and well-being. In addition, the stimuli that make an individual happy may not have the same impact on another individual.
Waking up, going to the gym, working, getting home early, having dinner, playing with the kids and watching movies. For many people, this routine is synonymous with quality of life, because it represents a scenario of agreement between the personal and the professional side. Of course, each person has their own concepts about how to organize time and activities, but the keyword is always finding a work-life balance.
Having this in mind, we can agree that happiness depends on a combination of factors such as alignment to the position and the company, feeling of power, interesting and meaningful work, sense of equality, positive work relationships among others.
Several studies suggest that in order to maintain good levels of happiness at work, there are some good tips that we can apply such as:
– Practice open communication;
– Always be sincere about your purposes;
– Build good relationships with your colleagues;
– Do a self-knowledge process to identify your goals;
– Recognize success and generate happiness at work;
– Create a career path;
– Reflect on your starting point and all the paths that need to be taken to achieve the desired state;
– Respect employees;
– Give feedback constantly;
– Be sincere and true;
– Be yourself.
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